Man Points

Man Points

Today I earned some Man Points.
Some, “Look, dear! Yes, I can!” points.
I washed, swept, mopped and cleaned.
Did all sorts of helpful things
to give my wife some ease.

She works hard through every day,
plus chores and more, with little thanks.
But as it seems, we men must be
extra praised for the slightest deed
our wives do as routine.

So hurry! Get your Man Points!
I’m not sure what good they are,
these tiny, golden sticker stars.
But aren’t you proud of me?

Author’s Notes:

Man Points are a good-natured joke at our house. Usually, a joke I make at my own expense.

“Look! I did the dishes so you didn’t have to! Aren’t I so helpful? I deserve some Man Points.”

Never mind that my wife does dishes and SO MUCH MORE every single day.

Seriously, my wife is an incredibly hard worker who raised three amazing kids, helped me through 10+ years of debilitating health issues, worked a full-time job, and kept our house going strong. Amazing woman.

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