Life Breaks Through

Life Breaks Through

I wanted life to be beautiful,
but it didn’t go my way.
The people who I gave my love
left holes and empty space.

My mistakes are mirrors
showing all that I am not—
my scars and broken dreams,
and all the things that I have lost.

And I wonder if all is lost.

But my story has meaning,
if only I will share it.

My pain can serve a purpose,
if I’m brave enough bare it.

Truth can set me free
when I find words to declare it.

And life breaks through
when love and courage dare it…

But will I dare it?

The life you have is beautiful
in a broken, messy way.
But your life is twice as meaningful
when you’re vulnerable and brave.

Don’t hide your scars–that’s who you are–
but you’re more than wounds and shame.
All of you is a worthy truth,
if you’ll give yourself away.

‘Cause your story has meaning,
if only you will share it.

Pain can have a purpose,
if you’re brave enough bare it.

Truth can set you free
when you find words to declare it.

And life breaks through
when love and courage dare it…

But will you dare it?

Author’s Notes:

This started off as a short poem and turned into lyrics for a song.

Life has so much to teach us, even the painful things, if we choose to do something with it.

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