I Caught A Cloud

I Caught A Cloud

Yesterday, I caught a cloud
while stretching toward the sky.
It briskly whisked me off the ground,
swooping my surprise.

Gleefully, I rode it ‘round,
sailing on the breeze,
careless of my life below,
a dream of downy ease.

Flung among the skybirds,
then swung below a rainbow,
I rushed so high, I brushed the sun,
hung in flows of amber glow.

As evening blushed in fuchsia hues,
my cloud whorled wispy thin,
drifting gently to the ground,
my lowly home again.

I long once more to drift those heights,
but clouds are just a moment’s mist.

The gift is the lifting memory
of places, people, fondly kissed,
and all the clouds I might have missed
if I hadn’t touched the sky.

Author’s Notes:

Life sometimes brings me thrilling joys and special moments I wish I could hold onto.

As much as I long to recapture the magic of those times, chasing the past is like grasping at mist. Anyone who visits places that hold fond memories usually finds themselves saddened at how things have changed.

Better to treasure the gift of good memories with gratitude, then reach toward new experiences.

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