Power of No

Power of No

“No,” I whisper.
The word so forbidden.
My voice so long hidden
that I dare not speak it aloud.

“No,” I repeat.
This time, much louder.
The word gaining power,
breaking the chains at my feet.

With each “no” I say,
my bruised vertebrae
pop in place solid
from bottom to top.


Self shakes awake
with a wave
of recognition.


Nerves stir and stack,
fireworks packed
for celebration.

Snap-snap… Snap!

Courage surges high
as flares fly,
igniting realization–
sparks up my spine,
heat through my heart,
fire in my mind.

For the first time, I find:
My voice.
My choice.

Standing up tall,
I can finally see
beyond the wall
and I hear the call
to be
I was meant to be.

And I go.

For the power
of “no”
that gave spine
to my soul
now gives power
of “yes”
to my steps.

Author’s Notes:

The first time I found courage to make my own choices was exhilarating, and far later in life than it should have been.

I’m so glad I found my voice. I’m glad I found the power to say, “No.” For it has given me the freedom to say, “Yes” to so much else in life.

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